
The following publications have all been written by members of the Society:

The first three books were all written by the late Gary Ryan in Limited Editions and are out of print.

  • The Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on the First Five Issues of Austrian Stamps 1850-67 during the Austrian Administration, London 1980.
  • The Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on the First Issue of Hungary 1867-1871, London 1988.
  • The Rarest Mixed Frankings of Hungary, 1992 by our Patron Gary Ryan RDP, FRPSL. Limited printing. Now out of print.
  • The Pioneer Period of Hungarian Airmail, by Victor G. Berecz, Jr. Published 1996 by the American Air Mail Society PO Box 110 Mineola, NY 11501-0110 USA. Copies may still be available from them.
  • Guide to a Display of Hungarian Revenues and Municipal Stamps of Budapest, by Gary Ryan, 1999, prepared by the authors for a display to the Royal Philatelic Society, London.
  • The Hungarian Hyperinflation of 1946, by Robert B. Morgan Published 2003 by Collectors Club of Chicago 1029 North Dearborn Chicago Ill. 60610 USA. Price US$55. Copies are still available.
  • The Postal History of Sremska Mitrovica, by Geoff Barling. Published 1993 by the Author.
  • Classic Hungarian Stamps Printed By Their State Printing House 1871-1914, by Gabor Visnyovski. Budapest 1996. In Hungarian, English and German.
  • The Postal History of Sárvár, by Lazlo Grof. Published Szombathely 1994. In Hungarian and English.
  • Water in Hungarian Philately, by Mervyn Benford Published by the Society in 1993.
  • The Visszatért Period in Hungarian Philately, by Mervyn Benford, published by the Society in 1989.
  • The Postal Rates of the Yugoslav Territories up to 2000, by Geoff Barling Published 2004 by the author. This is on a CD which can be read or printed.
  • Overprints on Hungarian Stamps, by David Miles, 1992. Published by the author. A full listing of all overprinted Hungarian stamps and description of territories in which they were used. This is long out of print.
  • The Regatul Romaniei Issues of Cluj and Oradea: Overprints on Stamps of Hungary – A Guide for Collectors, by Mark Lendon, 2011, published by the author.
  • The Story of the Austrian Posts to 1850, Keith Brandon, Roger Morrell, Andy Taylor, 2021. Available from the Austrian Philatelic Society.
  • Hungarian Postal Markings 1751 – 1850, by Jan Rompes 2022 (Still available – contact

All these publications have been fully reviewed in the Society’s magazine ‘Stamps of Hungary’. Members are in possession of a range of other literature. Please use the enquiry service to seek assistance in locating other items.

Other recommended publications for the collector:

  • A magyar bélyegek monográfiája, seven volumes, publ. by Mabeosz, 1965-1981 onwards. (This is a specialised handbook comprising articles on stamp issues to the 1960s. It is currently being scanned and translated, and some parts are available in English on-line at the MAFITT website http:/ . Select the English language version of the side, go to ‘Projects’, and then click on ‘Monograph’.)
  • Classic Postmarks of Hungary, by Gudlin, T., self-published, 2004. (A trilingual (Hu, D, Eng) study of early postmark forms.)
  • Catalogues:
  • Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 2: Austria & Hungary,. 8th Edition, 2016
  • Michel catalogue E2, Mitteleuropa 2021, Schwanenberger Verlag, (Central Europe catalogue in German.)
  • Michel Ganzsachen-katalog Europa bis 1960, Schwanenberger Verlag. (European postal stationery catalogue of earlier material, fully detailed for Hungary.)
  • A Magyar bélyegek katalogusa 2018-9, Philatelia Hungarica, (In Hungarian with English foreword.).
  • A magyar bélyegek kézikönyve, by Suranyi, L., Visnyovszki, G. Gondolat, Budapest, 1986. (This is a specialist stamp catalogue in Hungarian, often known as the ‘Black Book’, and contains more details than the standard catalogues.)
  • A magyar díjjegyes postai nyomtatványok katalógusa, by Hodobay, A., publ. Internetes Bélyeggyűjtő Klub, 1074 Budapest, Hungary, 2021. (Complete postal stationery catalogue including modern material, supplanting the earlier Simády catalogue and addenda.)
  • Pénzügyi Filatélia, by Szücs, K., publ. MAFITT, Budapest 2015. (Catalogue and handbook on Hungarian revenue stamps, available as a CD from the publisher.)
  • Hungarian Poster Stamps and Similar Cinderellas, Blasé, Ch.J., publ World poster stamps, Alton, 2000. ISBN 1-901959-25-2.