The 150th Anniversary Display – 2017

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the creation of the independent Hungarian Post Office and the issuing of its own stamps within the Austro-Hungarian Empire members of the Hungarian Philatelic Society of Great Britain created a focused 20-frame display at Autumn Stampex 2017 in London to illustrate Hungarian philately from the Habsburg times through to the present day. The display comprised:

  • Frame 1: The Hungarian Philatelic Society – its history and activities
  • Frame 2: The first issues of Hungary
  • Frame 3: The 1896 Hungarian Millennium Exhibition, and Telegram letter cards, an interesting innovation
  • Frame 4: Postal savings cards, and ‘Envelope’ issues on cover
  • Frame 5: Advertising postal stationery cards
  • Frame 6: Mail from Hungary to the UK, and Captain Peterdi mail, operating out of Fiume, and the 1900 change of currency and new stamps as illustrated by money letters
  • Frame 7: Hungary at war, 1914 – 1918
  • Frame 8: The occupation and break-up of Hungary, 1919 – 1923
  • Frame 9: Romanian occupation mail, 1918-1922
  • Frame 10: The First Inflation period, 1920 – 1926
  • Frame 11: Pictorial postal stationery cards, 1930s
  • Frame 12: Hungarian commemoratives of 1940
  • Frame 13: The Second World War, 1938 – 1945, with Visszatért, field post, and censorship
  • Frame 14: The Second Inflation period, 1945 – 1946,
  • Frame 15: Hungary after 1950, with fun with thematics, and the 1956 Revolution
  • Frame 16: Hungarian railway post
  • Frame 17: Hungarian postage due
  • Frame 18: Hungarian revenue stamps, from the Gary Ryan collection
  • Frame 19: Members’ Favourites – a miscellany
  • Frame 20: Members’ Favourites – a miscellany